Leslie Gomez is a 26-year-old dynamo. Born in Bellflower , California , and raised in Fontana , the brown-eyed beauty has been performing since age eight when she took up the flute. By nine, she was onstage singing with her father and his band, and has since carved out a burgeoning career.

Beside singing, the multi-talented Gomez has modeled and acted, having appeared in several independent movies and television programs. Possessing an out-going and effervescent personality, Leslie, the oldest of four, is extremely close to her family. Hard-working, independent and dedicated to her craft, the fun-loving brunette always gives her best effort.

Ethnicity : Hispanic
Weight : 118 lbs
Height : 5' 8
Bust : 34D
Waist : 25
HairColor : Brown w/ blonde high
EyeColor : Brown

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